Accounting & Finance EU Non-EU
City(Cass Business School) 120 675
Liverpool 15 715
Manchester 35 610
Essex 125 460
Lancaster 85 420
Exeter 25 445
Durham 15 430
Coventry 55 385
Warwick 90 340
East Anglia (UEA) 10 420
De Montfort 70 365
Bangor 0 410
Portsmouth 60 305
Kent 35 295
Sheffield 40 255
West of England, Bristol 20 265
Southampton 35 250
Newcastle 30 255
Sunderland 15 265
Sussex 10 265
Cardiff 25 245
Reading 50 205
Sheffield Hallam 20 210
Hull 20 195
Leeds 55 160
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering EU Non-EU
Imperial College London 100 160
Sheffield 35 180
South Wales 20 155
Southampton 80 70
Hertfordshire 10 115
Manchester 35 80
Bristol 35 80
Bath 30 70
Coventry 20 80
Liverpool 20 80
Kingston 30 65
Loughborough 30 60
Nottingham 5 75
Glasgow 55 25
Surrey 20 55
Queen Mary, University of London 15 55
Swansea 15 50
Salford 25 40
Leeds 20 35
West of England, Bristol 25 35
Highlands & Islands 5 45
Brunel University London 20 30
Glyndwr 35 5
Leicester 5 35
Brighton 10 25
Architecture EU Non-EU
Liverpool 35 335
Edinburgh 25 185
Westminster 115 90
Manchester Metropolitan 90 115
Nottingham 60 105
Portsmouth 60 100
University College London 35 115
Kent 50 95
London Metropolitan 115 30
Brighton 55 85
Strathclyde 125 10
Newcastle 20 115
Cardiff 80 50
Bath 40 95
Oxford Brookes 40 80
University of the Arts, London 40 80
Kingston 40 80
Huddersfield 70 30
Dundee 55 45
Sheffield 45 50
Glasgow School of Art 40 50
West of England, Bristol 40 50
De Montfort 35 45
Greenwich 60 15
Plymouth 30 30
Art & Design EU Non-EU
University of the Arts, London 945 2880
Coventry 135 225
University for the Creative Arts 180 135
Birmingham City 70 240
Nottingham Trent 45 240
Kingston 65 180
Goldsmiths, University of London 45 200
Southampton 25 215
Northumbria 55 175
Middlesex 120 90
Glasgow School of Art 115 90
Brighton 65 105
Arts University Bournemouth 60 110
Hertfordshire 45 100
Southampton Solent 70 55
Falmouth 40 75
De Montfort 55 50
London Metropolitan 90 15
West of England, Bristol 40 55
Westminster 45 35
Huddersfield 45 30
Brunel University London 40 35
Norwich University of the Arts 40 35
South Wales 60 15
Edinburgh 45 30
Biological Sciences EU Non-EU
Edinburgh 270 220
Imperial College London 105 225
University College London 95 160
Manchester 110 145
Glasgow 180 50
Queen Mary, University of London 70 105
Aberdeen 130 25
Cambridge 70 80
Liverpool 15 120
York 65 65
Sheffield 55 70
St Andrews 45 80
Oxford 45 65
Surrey 55 45
Exeter 45 55
Kingston 40 50
East Anglia (UEA) 50 45
Anglia Ruskin 40 50
Sussex 40 45
Nottingham 50 35
Essex 60 20
Portsmouth 35 45
Kent 50 35
Edinburgh Napier 70 15
Bedfordshire 45 35
Business & Management Studies EU Non-EU
Coventry 305 1290
Cardiff Metropolitan 95 875
Sunderland 100 875
Brunel University London 80 750
Westminster 345 460
City 295 495
Manchester 155 620
Lancaster 320 420
Aston 235 445
Warwick 340 320
Middlesex 200 420
Northumbria 105 510
Royal Holloway, University of London 170 435
Portsmouth 175 385
King's College London 190 355
Huddersfield 95 400
Central Lancashire 60 415
Queen Mary, University of London 145 325
Sussex 65 400
Hertfordshire 215 250
West of England, Bristol 75 385
Exeter 135 320
Greenwich 120 335
Kingston 120 295
Ulster 100 305
Chemical Engineering EU Non-EU
Manchester 40 370
University College London 50 240
Imperial College London 40 220
Leeds 20 170
Swansea 15 165
Nottingham 15 160
Sheffield 10 130
Birmingham 20 110
London South Bank 10 115
Portsmouth 10 100
Surrey 20 90
Aberdeen 20 85
Cambridge 20 80
Bath 20 80
Edinburgh 35 55
Newcastle 10 65
Heriot-Watt 20 45
Loughborough 15 40
Strathclyde 5 40
Teesside 0 30
Queen's, Belfast 5 25
Bradford 5 20
Hull 5 15
Salford 5 10
Lancaster 5 5
Civil Engineering EU Non-EU
Coventry 30 215
Swansea 15 225
Sheffield 35 205
Imperial College London 60 170
Cardiff 40 165
Surrey 30 150
University College London 35 140
Nottingham 20 155
Liverpool 5 165
Bath 55 105
Manchester 25 125
Salford 25 120
Leeds 40 80
Brighton 45 75
Bristol 15 95
Edinburgh 70 40
Newcastle 25 75
Portsmouth 20 75
Edinburgh Napier 55 35
City 25 55
Warwick 5 70
Birmingham 10 60
Southampton 20 45
Heriot-Watt 30 35
Leeds Beckett 5 55
Drama, Dance & Cinematics EU Non-EU
University of the Arts, London 235 360
Arts University Bournemouth 75 105
Conservatoire for Dance and Drama 95 80
Kingston 70 70
University for the Creative Arts 70 40
Middlesex 75 35
Hertfordshire 50 60
Essex 60 45
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance 75 25
South Wales 65 30
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama 40 55
Falmouth 35 55
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 35 45
Kent 55 30
Rose Bruford College 25 45
Roehampton 35 35
Royal Holloway, University of London 25 45
Glasgow 60 5
Bournemouth 40 20
Aberystwyth 50 10
Westminster 40 15
York 30 20
Edinburgh Napier 45 5
Portsmouth 30 20
The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts 0 40
Greenwich 35 10
Economics EU Non-EU
Warwick 135 590
London School of Economics 105 590
University College London 135 530
Manchester 60 365
Edinburgh 95 295
Exeter 110 225
St Andrews 75 230
Liverpool 10 275
Royal Holloway, University of London 75 205
Leicester 20 235
Glasgow 155 100
Essex 80 165
Nottingham 65 170
Cambridge 65 150
Bath 90 125
Bristol 60 140
Aberdeen 160 35
City 65 125
Lancaster 65 125
York 55 135
East Anglia (UEA) 20 165
Durham 25 145
Queen Mary, University of London 70 85
Brunel University London 25 130
Kent 60 90
Electrical & Electronic Engineering EU Non-EU
Liverpool 10 530
Manchester 75 375
Imperial College London 110 260
Sheffield 30 310
University College London 50 190
Strathclyde 65 145
Coventry 30 175
Edinburgh 95 110
Southampton 35 160
Nottingham 15 165
Northumbria 10 170
Huddersfield 35 130
Bath 45 110
Birmingham 10 135
Surrey 20 110
Bristol 20 110
Birmingham City 50 75
Newcastle 15 100
York 45 70
Leeds 15 90
Brunel University London 25 70
Portsmouth 20 75
Swansea 5 80
Queen Mary, University of London 20 65
Hertfordshire 10 70
General Engineering EU Non-EU
Cambridge 115 260
Imperial College London 70 135
Oxford 30 170
Aston 30 135
Manchester 25 90
Edinburgh Napier 95 15
Southampton 50 50
Warwick 25 60
Central Lancashire 5 75
Sheffield 15 55
Ulster 60 0
Glasgow 25 25
Lincoln 0 45
City 10 30
South Wales 30 10
Durham 15 25
Cardiff 10 25
Heriot-Watt 20 15
Northampton 5 25
Bradford 10 20
Swansea 5 25
Coventry 5 25
Portsmouth 1 15
Edinburgh 15 10
London South Bank 15 10
Marketing EU Non-EU
Newcastle 20 275
Lancaster 85 180
Coventry 70 120
Westminster 80 60
Greenwich 75 35
Manchester Metropolitan 50 50
Sheffield Hallam 10 90
Kingston 20 75
Liverpool 0 90
Sussex 5 85
Lincoln 10 70
Huddersfield 35 45
South Wales 50 30
Oxford Brookes 15 60
Portsmouth 15 65
Manchester 10 70
Southampton Solent 45 30
Edinburgh Napier 65 10
Essex 20 55
Kent 35 40
West of England, Bristol 15 55
London Metropolitan 65 5
Keele 0 65
Hertfordshire 15 50
Bournemouth 30 30
Mathematics EU Non-EU
Liverpool 5 520
Imperial College London 100 330
University College London 65 325
Manchester 35 315
London School of Economics 30 280
Warwick 60 220
Oxford 75 165
Cambridge 105 130
Heriot-Watt 35 180
Lancaster 40 155
Edinburgh 65 95
Southampton 30 120
Bristol 50 95
King's College London 45 90
Glasgow 90 40
St Andrews 40 90
Queen Mary, University of London 25 85
Leicester 25 75
Durham 25 65
Leeds 15 65
Nottingham 45 30
Bath 25 55
Loughborough 15 55
York 15 50
Strathclyde 30 30
Mechanical Engineering EU Non-EU
Coventry 80 400
Sheffield 35 295
Southampton 85 220
Imperial College London 70 220
Manchester 55 225
Bristol 45 205
University College London 40 180
Nottingham 40 180
Hertfordshire 30 175
Cardiff 50 135
Surrey 50 135
Swansea 15 145
Bath 70 90
Queen Mary, University of London 25 125
Loughborough 60 95
Edinburgh 65 75
Liverpool 10 130
Huddersfield 35 105
Leeds 20 110
Birmingham 10 125
Brighton 50 80
Sunderland 20 105
Newcastle 35 90
Sussex 30 95
Northumbria 15 105
Nursing EU Non-EU
West London 80 225
Buckinghamshire New 170 30
Edinburgh Napier 105 30
Sunderland 0 115
Anglia Ruskin 50 55
South Wales 10 85
Ulster 85 0
Hertfordshire 30 40
Canterbury Christ Church 65 0
Stirling 50 8
Bedfordshire 15 40
Edge Hill 25 25
Liverpool John Moores 20 35
Robert Gordon 45 5
Dundee 45 0
Southampton 45 0
Kingston 40 0
Middlesex 40 0
Queen's, Belfast 35 10
Glasgow Caledonian 15 25
West of England, Bristol 20 15
Coventry 15 15
King's College London 20 10
City 25 5
London South Bank 25 0
Pharmacology & Pharmacy EU Non-EU
Nottingham 15 345
Sunderland 60 280
University College London 45 220
Brighton 60 115
Manchester 20 150
Strathclyde 15 150
Bath 15 120
East Anglia (UEA) 15 105
King's College London 40 75
Liverpool John Moores 5 100
Queen's, Belfast 15 85
Robert Gordon 35 65
Reading 20 60
Kingston 25 50
Keele 15 60
Cardiff 5 70
Portsmouth 15 55
Aston 10 65
Bradford 25 40
Hertfordshire 15 45
Ulster 45 5
Greenwich 15 15
De Montfort 5 20
Aberdeen 20 0
Glasgow 15 5
Psychology EU Non-EU
Glasgow 220 40
Aberdeen 200 20
University College London 45 140
Sussex 70 90
Edinburgh 80 80
St Andrews 40 120
Essex 55 90
Royal Holloway, University of London 65 75
Durham 35 105
Middlesex 70 65
York 30 110
Kent 75 65
Nottingham 30 95
Bath 50 70
Sheffield 20 90
Bangor 45 60
Roehampton 20 80
Kingston 40 56
Exeter 30 65
City 50 40
Coventry 60 30
Dundee 75 10
Lancaster 25 55
Stirling 70 15
Warwick 20 60
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