很多同学想通过阅读原文书籍来提高英文能力,想地写作学习文学的道地的书同学更是恨不得一目十行,天天读书。英文 但并不是首先所有的英文原文书籍都适合我们学习的,我们需要有技巧,看对有故事性,想地写作又贴近生活,道地的书能够帮助你提升自己的英文写作,更好的首先表达。这样的看对书籍才是现在我们需要去读的。 今天就给大家推荐一下,想地写作外国文学家给学生推荐的道地的书书单,每一本都是英文你想跪着读完... ...给想要提高英文写作和学习文学的同学。 里面有的首先讲逻辑,有的看对讲句子,有的讲故事,每一本针对的内容,能够学到的东西都有介绍了,感兴趣就快点去读吧。 Can't We Talk about Something More Pleasant?What writers can learn: How to write about ordinary stuff in an unordinary way (b-to-b content writers, I’m looking at you). Each of these books documents ordinary moments in ordinary lives—but with a perspective and treatment that make the stories anything but prosaic.
The War of ArtWhat writers can learn: How to get things done. Steven writes, “It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write.” Yep.
Start With WhyWhat writers can learn: How to find a bigger story. People on Amazon will tell you to save your money and just watch the TED talk that preceded the book. But I believe books should be priced to reflect the amount of thinking and toil that goes into them. A book should cost a thousand dollars or more, not $8.99. Watch the TED talk if you want, but buy the book, too. Don’t be a jerk. The IdiotWhat writers can learn: How to write a sentence. The craft is really nice. And reading good writing from the hand of a master writer is a relief, like you can relax and just enjoy the ride. Plus, I suspect that Elif’s next book will be way better than this one, so you should discover her early. ONE MAN'S MEATWhat writers can learn: How to blog. This book is a must-read as a prime example of sharp, first-person writing that never veers into indulgence or myopia like a lot of blogging does. If you do nothing else, skip to “Once More to the Lake” (page 198). Read. Weep. Learn. James and the Giant PeachWhat writers can learn: How to feed the imagination. Or, to quote from another Roald Dahl title, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” And women. |